Job seekers
Grants for unemployed members of FÍN
Mynd: Edda Sigurdís Oddsdóttir
FÍN (Trade union of natural scientists) is concerned with supporting unemployed members who chooses to pay members fee from their unemployment benefits. By such payments members secure benefits of BHM (Icelandic Confederation of University Graduates) funds; Public and Private Sector Relief Fund, Vocational Training Fund and Vacation Fund.
Unemployed members can apply for grant up to 200.000 ISK annually for e.g. seeking a seminar/workshop of their choosing.
Members who have been unemployed for 12 months or more are offered to seek guidance from psychologist from Líf og sál sálfræðistofa ehf.
FÍN service to job seekers
All members can seek consultation to discuss the situation with the goal to analyse how the union can support the member on the best way possible. Reservation of appointments can be done by phone, 00354 595-5175, or contacting FÍN by e-mail, FÍN sends unemployed members e-mail on regular basis if they have been unemployed for 3 months or more.
FÍN extends BHM fund benefits by contributing to Vacation Fund, Vocational Training Fund and Public and Private Sector Relief Funds during unemployment.
Grants to unemployed members
Assistance of FÍN can include reimbursements of seminar or school fees and allocating of grants for writing articles for magazines or newspapers. FÍN emphasizes that this is individualized remedy which can diverse between one member to another. Maximum grant is 200.000 ISK annually, 100.000 ISK is allocated for the first half of the year and 100.000 ISK for the second half of the year.
Guidance with phycologist from Líf og sál for job seekers
FÍN and Líf og Sál Sálfræðistofa ehf. (L&S) have negotiated a service for FÍN members who have been unemployed for 12 months or longer. In question are 6 interviews with L&S psychologist. The goal of these appointments is constructive work and empowering members in these difficult situations, who want to increase their confidence and enthusiasm. Part of the objective of these interviews is to give member guidance to deal with the negative emotions and adversity which is an integral component of unemployment. The red thread of the interviews is to set personal goals with the aim to find employment which suits the member interest and education and assists to create applicable plan. The interviews are tailored to the need of each individual but the task at hand is based from the following factors:
Daily life:
- How is the mental well being and what is the mindset for present circumstances?
- How to cope with negative emotions and adversity?
- How to present daily life a positive content?
Analysis of competence, knowledge and features of individual:
- CV is revised, and strength and weaknesses are discussed
- Qualities of individual to work further with are identified and which attributes needs to be reinforced.
What are the goals of individual towards work:
- Where to aim?
- What kind of work will the individual focus on for application?
- What is needed to reach these goals?
How should individual approach application for work?
- Application process is reviewed, console is given about CV, cover letter and other documents.
- What is needed to increase competence in job interviews, preparation and good advice given, e.g. regarding communication skills and presentation of themselves.
Finally factors which needs to be strengthen and which need to be further processed.
FÍN members which are interested to utilize this service need to receive a request/gift card from FÍN which they present to L&S.
If a FÍN member requested this service, please contact FÍN by phone, 00354-595-5175, or by e-mail,
Job advertisement
FÍN releases job advertisements from members and employers, if requested.
Practical information for job seekers
Marketing of own competence, knowledge and experience can be demanding for university graduates. Following questions can be useful in such process:
- What do I want?
- What can I bring to the table?
- Where am I heading?
- What are my weaknesses and strengths?
Several methods are available for people to promote themselves on labour market. To respond to a job advertisement is one of many ways in this content. It should be held in mind that only small part of available jobs is released on media. Initiative and determination are key to success for job seekers. It's common that job seekers go straight to companies or institutes which they find interesting. Many find it useful to use their own network, i.e. let as many people as possible now that they are seeking an interesting job and use any method available in the job search. Couple recruitment services are operating in Iceland and there can be found information of available jobs, seekers can list themselves in their data banks and request an appointment with a consultant:
- Alfreð
- Capacent
- Hagvangur
- Hugtak
- Intellecta
- Ráðum atvinnustofa
- Strá
- Talent
- Starfatorg (only jobs available with the government)
The first step in job search often involves completing a CV and is an important tool in the marketing of job seekers. Creating a CV is relatively straightforward, but a number of things that should be avoided and a bad CV can prevent the person from progressing in the recruitment process. A variety of ready-made CV forms exist online and in the Word program, which can be useful. Bare in mind that a job seeker is trying to capture employer 's attention and therefore it is important to make a ready - made CV and adapt it to the job applied for. The CV is a brief report on past work, education and qualifications. Avoid to many details but focus on what is relevant for the job in question.
Content of Resume/CV:
- Personal information: Name, address, phone number, social security number, email address.
- Education: Information about Universities and degrees, in the right timeline, the latest degree should be mentioned first.
- Employment: Information about previous and current jobs with brief description of the roles, projects, achievements etc.
- Computer skills.
- Language skills.
- Social work.
- Recommendation: Name, job title, workplace and phone number.
Cover letter
Cover letter should include information about why the applicant finds the job interesting and what she/he can bring to the table. Here you can find examples of cover letter and resume/CV.
Employment contracts
FÍN offers advice regarding employment contracts, remuneration, salary terms rights etc.